LastObject LastTissue Green Green

LastObject LastTissue Green Green

Lyko DE

LastTissue is like a handkerchief, and paper tissue having an eco-friendly baby. Each pack contains 6 organic cotton tissues, eliminating the need for 3.100 single-use tissues. A hygienic barrier inside the pack separates the clean tissues from the used ones. After use, throw the tissues together with your laundry and they will come out even softer. Dry them, fold them and pop them back into the case. They will keep your nose happy and the planet even happier. LastTissue will blow your mind. - Take the tissue out from the bottom of the pack and use - Fold and put the dirty tissue into the pack from the top - Wash with your laundry and let dry. You can simultaneously wash the pack in the dishwasher - Fold and put back into the case LastObject LastTissue Green Green

16.00 €   20.00 €

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